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God Isn't Done: Major Lessons from the Minor Prophets

Jul 04, 2021 | Mike Mayes

Micah: The Visionary Prophet of Peace (Contemporary)

Today in Worship we begin a new sermon series, “God Isn’t Done: The Minor Prophets.” Throughout this series, we will examine the various minor prophets in their contexts and hear what they have to say to us today. This week, we are diving into the book of Micah through the lens of Micah 6:1-8. The Israelites have asked what God requires of them to be righteous and see God’s peace, and God responds with the famous words of Micah 6:6-8. Alongside the people of Micah’s time, we ask ourselves what it will take to live into God’s vision of the Kingdom and what we can do to see God’s peace.

Series Information

Throughout this series, we will examine the various minor prophets in their contexts and hear what they have to say to us today.

Other sermons in the series