Permanent Endowment Fund

Build a legacy so that future generations may carry in God's mission and ministry.

The Permanent Endowment Fund at Suntree United Methodist Church provides a way for persons to give gifts that provide for the long-term future of our church. The principal of these gifts is held in perpetuity with the investment income made available as needed for ministries of the church. In addition to your weekly, monthly, or annual giving, which provides for budgeted ministries and mission, consider giving or leaving a portion of your estate to the SUMC Permanent Endowment Fund for long-term support of those ministries for which you have a special passion. 

David said, “My son Solomon is young and inexperienced, and the house to be built for the Lord should be of great magnificence and fame and splendor in the sight of all the nations. Therefore I will make preparations for it.” So David made extensive preparations before his death. -1 Chronicles 22:5

Investment of endowment funds yields income to help our ministries and missions for unbudgeted needs. Your contribution will provide a legacy so that future generations may carry on the ministries and mission of your choosing.

Learn more about the Permanent Endowment Fund

Permanent Endowment Grant Application Form