The World

The World

We seek to follow where God is going, hoping to live into what it means to love in extraordinary ways.

Heartfelt worship in the midst of the pandemic at one of our sister churches in Cuba.

Ministry partners

The following organizations have been recipients of our "Mission Box" giving:

Daily Bread

Cuba Missions

Family Promise of Brevard

Brevard Family Partnership

Children's Hunger Project

Suntree Youth Missions

Florida A&M University

Lowell Correctional Institute

Love I.N.C. of Brevard

United Methodist Committee On Relief

National Alliance on Mental Illness

HIS Place (Cold Night Shelter)

Cuba Mission

Read stories of our partnership with Cuban Churches

Cuba's water is calling you!
More than the warm, inviting Caribbean Sea…
More than the mouthwatering taste of freshly baked island bread…
God’s living water and the fire of His Holy Spirit calls to us from Cuba!

Suntree UMC has a covenant with two Methodist Churches in Cuba. Their members have become “our” family, and we are “theirs.”

Join our Cuba Email list to receive up-to-date information on the work of our Cuba Mission Team

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 How You Can Help:

  1. Pray for the people of Cuba and our sister churches! Pray for their health, their daily struggles, that they will have enough food to feed their families today, and for the spiritual and political leaders in both our countries.

  2. Provide Supplies: Our teams take suitcases of over-the-counter (OTC) medications and many other needed items on the annual trips to Cuba (usually in January). You can help by donating items from the “Needs List”, which can be obtained from the church office, our two Cuba Mission bulletin boards found outside of the Worship Center and Sanctuary, or from a committee member.  You can then bring your donated items to a committee member or the church office.  Please make sure it is marked ‘Cuba Missions’.  Please note that we cannot accept prescription medications and that OTC medications cannot expire before the next January, since expired medications cannot be brought into Cuba.

  3. Support financially: We have two events each year to help us raise funds for our Cuba Missions and to also provide updates on this mission to our congregation and supporters.  Aldersgate Sunday, in which we have a special offering, is held in May, and our annual Cuba Dinner is held in September.  We also accept and appreciate donations throughout the year.  If you would like to donate cash or write a check, you mail it to, or drop it off, at the church office, or put it into the offering on Sundays.  Please make sure your donation is marked ‘Cuba Missions’.  Thank you for your continued support and please know that travelers to Cuba pay for their own travel, lodging and meals, so that every penny donated goes directly to support our Cuba Missions.   

  4. Membership: Prospective members are always welcome to attend monthly Cuba Mission meetings at 7:00 PM via Zoom.

Missionaries partners

We also have the privilege of supporting the following Global Missionaries:

 Global Ministries:

Delbert & Sandy Groves – Zambia

Delbert & Sandy Groves – Zambia, missionaries with Global Ministries…currently serve at New Life Center in Kitwe, Zambia. In addition to Bible teaching, spiritfilled conferences and training, NLC provides after-school tutoring for students, including a meal, transportation to and from the center, computer and technology training – which offer students a better chance for success in obtaining jobs to help provide for their families.

Guillermo Berman Ramirez - Mexico

Guillermo Berman Ramirez – Mexico, missionary with Global Ministries… serving at Methodist Border Ministry, Reynosa, Mexico. New ministries have started in the communities with which work teams serve: sewing classes, wood-working shops for men, medical clinics, scholarship programs, Bible distribution, construction of houses/schools/community centers, breakfast and lunch programs, craft programs, a Personal Energy Transportation (P.E.T.) Shop and many other programs.

Alison Gilmore – Northern Ireland

Alison Gilmore – Northern Ireland, missionary with Global Ministries… serves as counselor at the East Belfast Mission in Belfast. The mission provides a Christian witness to peace, justice, and tolerance in the areas of unemployment, poverty, and social and political tension which sees itself as a center for many efforts to care for and support the poor and marginalized.

Leonardo Garcia – East Angola

Rev. Leonardo Garcia – East Angola, missionary with Global Ministries… serving as a professor of theology and pastoral mentor at Quessua School for Theology in Angola, providing feeding programs, help with literacy, Sunday services, a boys Boarding House, and a clinic providing medical services.

Kristen Brown – Israel

Kristen Brown – Israel, missionary with Global Ministries… serving as coordinator if interpretation, education, and advocacy through the Methodist liaison office in Jerusalem. It relates to ecumenical organizations, churches, and church-related institutions in the Holy Land, and provides educational venues for Methodist pilgrims to the region.

Isabel Willetts – China

Isabel Willetts – China, missionary with Global Ministries… serving in China, outside of Shanghai. Isabel is a University teacher at two campuses of Soochow University and an Amity Foundation volunteer English teacher in Kunshan. 

TMS Global (Mission Society):

John & Rosalie Rentz – New Zealand

John & Rosalie Rentz - New Zealand, TMS Global (Mission Society)… serving at Bible translation movement through Wycliffe New Zealand who equip Christians for the task of Bible translation so that all people have access to the Word of God in their own language.

Martin & Tracy Reeves – Peru

Martin & Tracy Reeves – Peru, TMS Global (Mission Society) … career Missionaries serving in Trujillo, Peru. Their vision is to make disciples of Jesus Christ; inviting children, youth and adults into a personal relationship with Christ, discipling them in their faith, and empowering them to be disciple makers, growing ministries and church plants. 


Special Gathering - Ministries within the mentally challenged community in Brevard County


Lydia Pagan – Sarah’s Covenant Homes, India

Lydia Pagan – Sarah’s Covenant Homes, India… serving in a community of family style homes in India that cares for children and young adults with medical and special needs. The home houses 150 children who are transferred from government orphanages after being abandoned in public places like hospitals, bus stops and railway stations. The home provides medical, educational and therapeutic care.