What We Believe
Our Mission - Our Mission is to invite seekers to follow Jesus
Our Vision – Our Vision is to be followers of Jesus who love God, love each other and love our neighbors in extraordinary ways.
Our Key Scripture - Matthew 22:37-39 “The Great Commandment”
Jesus said to him, “you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and first commandment. And the second is like it, you shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
Our Core Values:
Love and Grace – Responding to God’s love and grace, we are called to love God and one another, following the example of Jesus Christ. God’s love and grace are the basis for and give life to the vision, mission and values of Suntree UMC.
Worship – Biblically based collective worship is an indispensable celebration of Christian life. God is glorified through a variety of worship styles.
Hospitality - Gracious hospitality is extended to all who join us in seeking to know and serve God.
Community – Small groups are the cornerstone of a Christ centered community. In our intergenerational community, each person is cared for and valued.
Bible – The Bible is the source of our values and the basis of daily Christian life. God’s Word is the foundation of preaching and bible study enables growth in becoming more like Jesus.
Prayer – Prayer is the basis of an intimate relationship with God. We seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit In all that we do.
Growth – A growing faith is vital to the development of a dweller in the Spirit.
Stewardship – The humble offering of our spiritual gifts and resources is essential to faithful discipleship.
Outreach – Ministering to the least and the last is a crucial expression of God’s Kingdom reign. Outreach is the fruit of a loving, growing community.
Excellence – We work to hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” We strive to reflect the excellence of God in all we do.
Our Mission Essentials:
“Worship the Lord with gladness” Psalm 100:2
Worship is the primary means for connection with God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit and creates community within the body of Christ. Through worship we are shaped and formed to become more like Jesus. We provide worship to reach a variety of people through the preaching of God’s word, the experience of the sacraments and with different styles of music, art, and learning experiences.
“Love one another.” I John 4:7
Building and being part of healthy community is another key characteristic of a vital personal faith and a growing church. This mission essential refers to all the ways that we seek to help one another experience healthy, Christ- centered community and the ways that we seek to care for one another and our neighbors.
“Grow in grace and knowledge.” 2 Peter 3:18
Growing in faith, in our relationship with God through Jesus Christ and in our understanding of how God is calling us to live as disciples of Jesus is a lifelong, intentional process. We seek to provide a variety of opportunities for people of all ages to grow in faith and in the knowledge and love of God.
“Do justice, love kindness, walk humbly with God.” Micah 6:8
Serving others in the name of Christ both within and beyond the walls of the church is a fundamental part of vital faith and discipleship. It is also an essential part of our vision to “love our neighbors in extraordinary ways.” Using the unique gifts that God has planted within each of us, we are committed to real, practical, Kingdom transformation through Christ in our backyard and beyond, to the world.
“Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received.” I Peter 4:10
Healthy, God honoring biblical stewardship is the giving back to God of our time, our talents and our resources and is an essential part of being a follower of Jesus Christ and an essential characteristic of a vital, healthy church. We offer opportunities for each person to discover their spiritual gifts and to grow in the spiritual discipline of giving their resource back to God and God’s Kingdom work.
You can read about our entire 4D Vision plan by clicking here
The United Methodist Church
Recently, the United Methodist Church has been in the news following the postponement of General Conference due to pandemic travel issues. Our pastors prepared this video to clear up some misinformation being circulated concerning this postponement and the future of the United Methodist Church.