The Church

The Church

Serving at Suntree is a powerful way to grow in faith and use your gifts for the glory of God

There are so many ways to serve at Suntree.  We rely on the selfless help of our volunteers to provide a welcoming place for our guests to meet, grow, and worship. There are events all throughout the year that need you to be the hands and feet on our campus and in our community.

Learn about the ways you can serve

Children & Youth Ministries

We love our Children and Youth! We are always looking for committed volunteers to pour into the lives of the next generation.

To serve with Children’s Ministry, please contact Kaitlin Francavilla at

To serve with Youth Ministry, please contact Joel Lusz at

Learn more about Suntree Kids

Care Ministries

We offer a variety of care ministries to help those in our congregation that are in need. If you would like more information on these ministries, or would like to get involved, contact our Director of Congregational Care, Carol Whiting at  .

Altar Flower Dedications

You can dedicate our Sunday altar flowers to honor a loved one, remember someone who has passed away, or note a special event.

Flowers & Visitations

Volunteers rearrange our Sunday morning flowers into smaller arrangements which are taken to those who are in nursing homes, assisted living facilities or are homebound.

Intercessory Prayer Ministry

Each Friday a list of prayer requests from members of the Suntree UMC Community is sent by email to members of the Intercessory Prayer Ministry. Prayer Request cards can be placed in the offering plate on Sundays. All prayer requests are kept confidential by the prayer ministry volunteers

Handyman Ministry

If you live alone or have limited funds and need something repaired or fixed around your house, there is a ministry to help you! 

Hospital Visits

Hospitals no longer notify the church when a member is admitted. You do not have to be a church member to make this request.

Hurricane/Storm Assistance

Members of our community who live alone, are disabled, or do not have family in the area can receive assistance before/after a hurricane.

Life Groups

Members of our congregation gather in small groups to connect with God through Bible study, sharing, supporting each other and doing life together.  Each group decides on the time, frequency and location of Life Group meetings. 

Early Risers Book Group

For women who enjoy reading and good discussions, this group meetings every Tuesday  at 7:30am in Room 109.

Memorial Services & Interments

Our Congregational Care office will help you make arrangements for a memorial service to be held in the Sanctuary or Worship Center.  We also provide interment of cremated remains in our Memorial Garden. 

Prayer Shawl Ministry

If you like to knit or crochet (or want to learn), there is a place for you to use your skills here.  Shawls are available for members of our community who are going through a difficult time.

Stephen Ministry

Our Stephen Ministry offers one-to-one caring relationships so that those who are hurting receive supportive love and care. 


Volunteers within the church are willing to drive members in need to doctor appointments or the grocery store. 

Worship / Music Ministries

It takes a team to make worship services happen! We have a variety of music / worship ministries and we are always looking for people to join the various teams. If you are interested in getting involved with any of our worship ministries, click on the contact links below to get the conversation started!

Contemporary Worship Team (band) 

Traditional Worship Team (choir)

Production Team (for either service)

Guest Services

Volunteering for one or more of these servant opportunities is a great way to get involved in your church, fellowship with others, and meet new people.  You can help as few or as many times as you’d like, since all are done on a weekly or monthly rotation basis.  If you are scheduled to serve but are unable to, just let us know and we’ll find a replacement. 

Traditional Worship Services

Greeters – come to worship early to greet our visitors and members with a welcoming smile as they arrive.

Welcome Table – be at the welcome table before and/or after worship to greet people, provide our first time visitors with a gift, answer questions, or give directions.

Ushers – during the worship service, help with handing out bulletins, collecting the offering, communion, and clean-up after the service

Hospitality – help with the set-up, serving and/or clean-up of the refreshment table.  

Contemporary “Gathering” Worship Service

Greeters – come to worship early to greet our visitors and members with a welcoming smile as they arrive.

Welcome Table - be at the welcome table before and/or after worship to greet people, provide our first time visitors with a gift, answer questions, or give directions.

Ushers – come to worship about 15 minutes early to hand out bulletins and greet our visitors and members with a welcoming smile as they arrive, and during the worship service, help with collecting the offering, communion, and clean-up after the service.  

Hospitality – help with the set-up, serving and/or clean-up of the refreshments in our dining room.

Other Opportunities

Paraments (Traditional Only) – prior to Sunday morning, prepare the Sanctuary for worship by changing the alter cloth and refilling or replacing candles.

Alter Decorations (Primarily Gathering) – assist with decorating the alter(s) based on the current sermon series.  This can be done anytime during the week.

Alter Flower Pick-Up / Delivery – pick-up flowers from the Suntree Square Publix and place them on the Sanctuary altar on Saturday afternoon.

Donut Pick-Up – pick-up donuts from Walmart on Sunday mornings at 7:45am and delivery them to the SUMC kitchen.

Communion – prepare the elements for communion

Click here to get involved with any of our Guest Services ministries!