Pastor's E-Letter

Pastor's E-Letter

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Pastors E-Letter 11/20/20

As you know, I work with students. And one of the joys of working with students is that you’re allowed to tell corny jokes (some people call them “dad jokes” but that hurts my feelings!). Here’s one of my favorites: “There are three types of people in the world: people who can count and people who can’t!” If you laughed, count yourself as one of my friends!
Well, today, I’d like to write about two important things in this world. The first is this: Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving is right around the corner and it couldn’t come fast enough. We are in tough times right now and it is going to be important (and I believe, necessary) to slow down some, take a few moments, and be thankful. It’s easy to get caught up in the craziness of this world, but in the midst of all of that, we can still be thankful. I hope that you can do that this Thanksgiving. I hope that you’re surrounded with family and (some) friends and you get to set aside some of the stuff around us that is contaminating our thankfulness. I hope that there is joy for you this Thanksgiving. I hope that there is hope. We need that today!
The second thing I want to write about is this: Jesus is still on the throne! Not only is that good news, but it is yet another reason for us to be thankful. And this Sunday, we are going to be taking a look at what that means and how it is good news for us … especially today! When I am struggling with things (like a pandemic!) or when my favorite football team loses, it’s easy for me to begin to get down or to allow the negativity to take too much control of my thoughts and feelings. But just as quickly, I can (and do!) remind myself of the truth of Jesus’ presence and authority in my life and it gives me a lift and gets me back on track! 
If you’re at a point in life right now where you could use a good lift (or encouragement or joy or some spiritual help), consider joining us this Sunday at church (live or virtually). Maybe read Matthew, chapter 25, verses 31-46 and come a bit prepared! And also, when Thanksgiving does roll around, give yourself a real treat by slowing down and contemplating some of the things that Jesus has done in your life that you are deeply thankful for! He’s a King on the throne and His love for you is immeasurable! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
In Christ's Love,
Joel Lusz
Posted by Joel Lusz with

Pastor's E-Letter 06/26/20

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Dear Church Family, 
Have you ever heard the expression, “The more things change, the more they stay the same"? Well, I don’t know exactly how true that is, but it seems like an interesting quote for a time such as this. We are all trying to figure out what “normal” is, what the “new normal” will be, if things will ever be “back to normal,” and if things will ever change! The prognosticators are making their predictions, and they are all over the place. 
Life is complicated, and it seems even more complicated now than ever. Although my guess is, if you were able to interview people from the past (i.e.; 100 years ago, 500 years ago, even 1,000 years ago) they’d tell you that things were just as complicated back then as they are now. And certainly times were complicated during Abraham’s life. A quick read of his life will reveal this! In fact, you might change the wording from “complicated” to “crazy!” We’ll take a look at the story of when the Lord appears to Abraham and his response to that. And like families today, we’ll see that things were weird, good & bad, challenging, and, of course, complicated. 
Along with this, we have some exciting news! This week, for us here at SUMC, things are changing (a little)! We are going to kick off our new series, “All In The Family” (think ’70’s sitcom but don’t think about it too deeply!). We will be looking at the complicated but powerful life of Abraham from the Old Testament and how things today are still complicated. In addition, we will be live-streaming for the very first time. This means we will have our Sunday morning worship (both the Gathering at 9:30am and Traditional at 11am) LIVE! The church will not be “open,” but we will begin the process of moving toward opening. So this Sunday and next, we will be live-streaming our services as a way of preparing for the tentative reopening on Sunday, July 12th. As you can see, even this is a little complicated. But we are moving forward and getting things figured out the way families do. 
So please join us this Sunday “LIVE” as we kick off our new series and new way of doing live church together! It will be new. It will be fun. And it will be interesting. But most importantly, we will be together as family navigating some complicated themes during this complicated time. Hope to see you Sunday!! 
Pastor Joel Lusz
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