Cuba Shuttered
Cuba is not a foreign land to me, it is the home to many that I love as extended family. This photo was taken on the tranquil coast of Gibara, Cuba, and shows a holiday that was cloaked in affection and innocence. There was no talk of politics, hunger, sadness, or pain.

We celebrated life together and watched the children play. These two Methodist pastors and their families represent the faces of all who live so geographically close to us but are shuttered in a different universe.
On the right side of the photo are four Suntree UMC ladies. We, and many others, are accustomed to traveling to Cuba each year and emailing daily with many. We can't travel to Cuba at this time and their government-run internet has been closed. We miss our Cuban families and they miss us.
We can pray, "Father, we ask for a hedge of protection for your Cuban churches and people... And as always, Thy will be done."
You have no doubt heard on the news this week of the significant problems in Cuba. They are real. If you would like to help our sister churches, please write a check to Suntree UMC and put "Cuba" in the memo line.