
God loves a cheerful giver!

Fill out your Estimate of Giving Card online here

“Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” -  2 Corinthians 9:7

In January of this year, we began the year with a message series entitled “Joyful Living,” and we announced that we’d be carrying that theme of “joy” throughout the year. So, it is fitting that this year’s generosity series would focus on “Joyful Generosity.” The above scripture captures this theme well, for generosity is never intended to be about duty, drudgery, or obligation. Instead, generosity flows out of a heart of gratitude and joy in response to God’s generous love, grace, and abundance in our lives. The apostle Paul was convinced that God is blessed when God’s people give out of hearts of joy and gratitude. Joyful generosity blesses God, blesses others, and blesses the giver. Our goal in this year’s generosity series is for all of God’s people to discover and experience the blessings of joyful generosity in their lives.  

On Sunday, October 1, we will begin this “Joyful Generosity” journey together. We will reflect on what it means to see all the gifts that God has placed within our care as tools that we can use to bless others. We will think together about what it means to truly be a “joyful giver”. We ask you to pray about the next steps God is asking you to take in your journey of becoming a joyful giver as an expression of your gratitude to God for all God’s blessings in your life.  

Below are some resources to help you begin to think about your decision regarding your financial resources and your time and talent. This year we will be asking each person to consider making both an estimate of their financial gifts and a time and talent commitment to the ministry of God’s church. What is amazing is the way God uses every gift, no matter how simple, to do things we might never imagine. 

We pray that you will join us in worship, either in person or online, as we continue exploring God's call to Joyful Generosity!

Series Materials:

Download a Prayer Card

Download the Estimate of Giving Card

Download the Series Information Card 

Learn How to receive prayer notifications for the Joyful Generosity series

Personal Growth Plan

The Personal Growth plan is essentially just a paper calculator to quickly calculate the percentage your household is giving.

This is a tool designed to hep you find your current income and the percentage that your giving represents and then prayerfully consider taking the next step towards a tithe or whichever level God is leading you to give

Click here to view the Personal Growth Plan

Generosity Stories

Throughout this series we will highlight in worship stories of God's surprising abundance. We will post those videos here after worship each week.

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 <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Are you ready to take the next step?

If you feel ready to take the next step in your giving and have answered the question "Lord, where do you want me to be in my giving?", then select one of the options below to fill out an estimate of giving card! 

You can either download a pdf version of the card, fill it out, and return it to the church office, OR fill out the online form and have your estimate of giving sent directly to the church finance office. As always, your information will remain confidential and only our church finance administrator will see your information.

Fill out your Estimate of Giving Card online here

Download the Estimate of Giving Card